The second picture is *pumpkin* he belongs to another neighbor. I was feeding one neighbor cat, Blackie...then Spot came...(see previous posts for his pic.) and now Pumpkin....They all seem to get along...but for about 10 years it has only been Blackie....At first he was a little put off by the new comers....and still reluctantly comes up to get food with the other two....Blackie and Pumpkin have homes and *people*...Spot...we don't know...as he has taken up residence in the little dog house on our porch I put straw in for Blackie last year. We also keep our door ajar to our porch in the winter time so Blackie can get out of the weather...It will be interesting to see how many cats will come in out of the cold this winter....
Cats are great like that, I think. My old cat was always going into other houses for one thing or another.
How long have you been drawing? I have thought of it many times and never gotten around to it, but it's nice to see someone has.
Cute house !! And pumpkin's expression is just so calm and relaxed...I believe that's what cats do most the time anyway, but really great capture!
Thanks again for your comments :) Truly appreciate them!
Darren..Seriously teaching myself to draw...just recently, within the year. I have in the past done oils, acrylics and watercolor...so art for 30 years or so...but not enough to refine it, so I decided to teach myself...go to EDM (everyday matters) a drawing Yahoo group and join...maybe that will spur you to *getting around* drawing....
Alex: Thanks for your comments too...its motivating...I am a type of person that NEEDS motivation...LOL
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