Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 36

Grams spoons

Gram was a farm lady, who raised dairy cows, which she milked
by hand.  She was a wonderful cook, who could
make meal out of anything....

-if these spoons could only talk-


Clare said...

........Imagine the tales they would tell? I love old cutlery and have lots of my Mum's and Grandma's pieces. I often wonder what these simple objects have lived through. Great sketches!

nanke's stuff said...

Your little drawings are elegant and beautiful. Also, I love the color you use! nancy

Anonymous said...

You definitely have an eye for detail - these are lovely drawings.

Jane said...

Nice spoons! My grandmother milked cows, too, and churned butter. I can see her now rocking & churning. That's how she made her spending money. Thanks for sharing!

Sasa Saastamoinen said...

Beautiful artwork! Love your idea!

Unknown said...

Clean, and to use Nancy's descriptor, 'elegant' drawings!

deborah said...

Thanks everyone, I appreciate the encouragment...I am half way to 75...I just hope those *ideas* of what to draw will keep popping up...just when I need it...