Remember this guy....I sketched him back in April....scroll through posts to see....well, he won our hearts over, and
weaved his way into our lives...The decision came when he came limping up to the house one day, a bite wound on his back leg...we took him into the vet to have it taken care of and that led to
vaccinations, antibiotics,
neutering....and a big price tag....he is adapting well, no major problems....still in the getting to know his brothers and sisters mode...but all in all he is doing well...he's a little purr box, and loves to sit on moms lap. I haven't done anything artistic since *the boat* which I worked on so much I ruined it...and became discouraged. I am going to be taking a colored pencil class at the local museum, hoping I can get the fire burning again. I tend to shut down upon failure...and I forget that all I have to do is get back up on the horse....